17 May 2011

Vintage Photos

Anyone that knows me knows how obsessed I am with animals, dogs in particular, but I really love them all.  One of my favorite things to find when out and about are old photos of dogs.  To find pictures where families have included their beloved animals tells me how dear they were to them.  I have found some photos over time and some have been given to me by friends.  When I saw this beautiful book dedicated to old dog photos I knew I had to bring it home and was happy to find a kindred spirit.  All the images in the book were collected by Catherine Johnson.  She works in the photography field and has been collecting images since she was a little girl.  I love what she writes in the book stating having pets today is part of our need and desire to stay connected to the purity of the natural world and that these frozen moments in time make the dogs, the people and the photographs endearing and magical.  I couldn't agree more.

PS. Doesn't that cute dog in photo #8, bottom left hand corner remind you of a certain "someone"? 
Top five photos from my own collection.
Bottom five photos from Dogs Collected by Catherine Johnson.


epita said...

It does! That cute dog in photo #8 must be one of Sadie's ancestors. Dogs are really special creatures. Great photos from your collection and from Catherine Johnson's book.

kaysie said...

I love the photographs!
Polaroids are so artistic

Love your blog :)

Courtney Cerruti said...

love it!